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Apex Warrior Recommendations

Here at Warrior Martial Arts our focus is not on just training the body, but it's also about the person. Each of us should strive to live our best life each and every day, understanding and living by the standards God has so freely and clearly given. It means men must be loving and faithful husbands and fathers, willing to protect at all costs. It means women should be respectful and faithful wives and mothers, willing to protect at all costs.


Truly becoming the Apex Warrior embodies the whole person. Physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. It is a call to live for a higher purpose than ourselves. Post-modern culture is pushing harder each and every day to eliminate this idea. For the sake of our country, our homes, our freedom, our families, and our souls we cannot stand by. We must armor up, and join the battle!


To help guide you in this journey to becoming the Apex Warrior, we have curated a collection of personally recommended reading and viewing, as well as like-minded companies and personalities. This list will continue to grow over time.


We are not officially affiliated with these companies or individuals.     


- The Holy Bible (ESV, NIV, NLT, NASB)

"On Combat" LTC Dave Grossman

"An Army at Dawn" (Vol. 1 in the Liberation Trilogy) Rick Atkinson

"The Day of Battle" (Vol. 2 in the Liberation Trilogy) Rick Atkinson

"The Guns at Last Light" (Vol. 3 in the Liberation Trilogy) Rick Atkinson

"The Art of War" Sun Tzu

"What in the World is Going On?" Dr. David Jeremiah

"Is This the End?" Dr. David Jeremiah




- "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"  Mark Twain

- "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"  Mark Twain

- "Treasure Island" Robert Louis Stevenson

"Frankenstein" Mary Shelly

"Moby Dick" Herman Melville

- "The Hound of the Baskervilles" Arthur Conan Doyle

- "1984" George Orwell

"A Christmas Carol" Charles Dickens

"The Iliad" Homer

"The Odyssey" Homer

- The Jack Ryan Series by Tom Clancy

- The Jack Reacher Series by Lee Child

"The Warrior Poet Way" John Lovell




The Passion of the Christ

The Patriot (Mel Gibson)

We Were Soldiers

Saving Private Ryan


Hacksaw Ridge

Band of Brothers


Victory by Submission

Walking Tall (Kevin Sorbo)

The Reliant

War Room

True Grit

Dances With Wolves

Captain America: The First Avenger

The Andy Griffith Show




Black Rifle Coffee Company (Veteran Owned)

Stroup Knives (Veteran Owned Knife Company, Made in USA)

Warrior Poet Society (Veteran Owned, Social Media)

Craig Douglas (CQC Combatives, Social Media)

Order of Man (Lifestyle, Social Media)

Dry Creek Wrangler School (Lifestyle, YouTube)


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